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Fixes to our fiscal problems are simple, but not for Congress

In this Op Ed piece by noted columnist Cal Thomas, the author laments that the solutions needed to fix the nation’s financial woes, including Social Security, are simple but that Congress’ priority of seeking reelection trumps their ability to actually solve problems. Balancing the Federal Budget should be a Congressional priority, but it’s not. And fixing Social Security and Medicare should be also, but apparently are not. The average Social Security recipient claiming today will collect much more in benefits than they paid in to the system, and the premiums-paid vs. benefits-received gap for Medicare beneficiaries is even more. Essentially, the actions needed to fix all of these problems rests in the hands of a Congress which suffers from an unwillingness – not an inability – to tackle these tough issues. Click here to read Mr. Thomas opinion piece in the Salisbury (NC) Post.

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