Government Shutdown? Social Security benefits, and others, will still be paid - KIRO 7

Hyperbole abounds as we approach the end of September, by when Congress must act to provide funding for government operations for the forthcoming fiscal year. If not, then a “government shutdown” will occur. Sounds ominous, right? Well, to some extent it is, but not to the degree that many politicians (and media outlets) would like you to believe. Sure, for the media it makes for great headlines, and for many politicians it provides fodder for blaming “the other side” for the problem. But the reality is that essential services – including payment of Social Security, Medicare, VA and numerous other benefits – will continue while Congress seeks a compromise to fund government operations for another year. To those of us who follow this stuff, it’s somewhat of a “here we go again” scenario, replayed every year about this time to stir emotions. But, as revealed in this Seattle (WA) KIRO7 article by Debbie Lord, all essential government services will, by law, continue to function, including paying full benefits to Social Security beneficiaries, Medicare beneficiaries, and Veterans. Click here to see which services will not be affected, and which ones will.