Government Spent $29,000 Per US Household in 2014

  1. Uncle Sam Spent $29,000 Per Household in 2014
  2. New Heritage Foundation Study on Federal Spending
  3. Government Spending Over $3.5 Trillion Last Six Years
  4.  Entitlements & Interest to Hit 85% of Spending in 2024
  5.  What is Driving the Growth in Entitlement Spending?
  6. Federal Spending Per Household to Double in 10 Years
  7. Uncle Sam Spent $29,000 Per Household in 2014

A new study from The Heritage Foundation found that out-of-control spending in Washington amounted to more than $29,000 per household in fiscal year 2014. Today, I will reprint the highlights of that excellent report. As you will see below, government spending has topped $3.5 trillion in each of the six years that President Obama has been in office….Read More


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