Q & A
I took an early retirement from the Social Security Administration in 2005 as a CSRS employee. In 2009, I returned to work as a full-time CSRS employee and make CSRS retirement contributions. I will be eligible for a redetermined annuity early in 2014, when I will be 56. From 1975 to 1981, I had civilian service, during which I made no CSRS contributions. I paid a deposit for this service when I retired in 2005. Office of Personnel Management regulations indicate that I will need to make another election regarding this when I retire again next year. Will I have to pay this civilian service deposit again when I retire and elect a redetermined annuity? If so (and the difference between a supplemental annuity and a redetermined annuity isn’t too great), I may retire sooner.
Answer: Once you have made a deposit to get credit for nondeductions service, you don’t have to do it again. Since CSRS retirement contributions are being taken from your pay, I have no idea why you would need to make another election when you retire again. To figure out how much you would be entitled to either with a supplemental or redetermined annuity, go to www.opm.gov/retirement-services/publications-forms/csrsfers-handbook/c100.pdf.
Source: http://blogs.federaltimes.com – November 25, 2013