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Medicare’s “enrollment periods” explained - MARCA

Although most people enroll in Medicare during their “Initial Enrollment Period” (IEP), which starts three months before the month you turn 65 and ends three months thereafter, there are other times which you can also sign up for Medicare healthcare coverage. The acceptable “enrollment periods” are important, because enrolling in Medicare outside them can result in severe penalties. The most common period to enroll in Medicare without penalty begins 3 months before you turn 65 and ends three months later – a 7 month window to enroll. But, in certain other circumstances – such as when you have other “creditable” healthcare coverage from an employer – it’s also possible to delay enrolling until after age 65, thus saving the Medicare premiums you would otherwise pay for Medicare Part B. This MARCA Personal Finance article explains the acceptable Medicare enrollment periods. Keep in mind, however, that enrolling in free Medicare Part A (inpatient hospitalization coverage) is mandatory to collect Social Security after age 65. Read the MARCA article about Medicare enrollment periods here.

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