Need Help With Prescription Drug Costs? - Penny Hoarder

Let’s face it, we all need a little help now and then and America is a very generous country, always focused on how to provide assistance to the needy. Case in point: under the auspices of federal Medicare, Americans below a certain income level are eligible for extra help paying some, and perhaps all, of their out-of-pocket prescription drug costs. Medicare “Extra Help” already assists over 13 million low income beneficiaries, and an estimated 1.3 million more are eligible for, but not yet enrolled in, this important benefit program. Medicare “Extra Help” is available to singles whose 2023 monthly income is less than $1,844, and married couples with monthly income less than $2,486, and whose asset-level is fairly low, saving enrollees an average of $5,300 per year, thresholds which will be even higher in 2024. If you, a family member, or someone you know might qualify for this important federal healthcare assistance, check out this article by Rachel Christian, a senior writer at The Penny Hoarder.