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One Time Boost for 2016 Social Security

A recent bill was just proposed that would give recipients of Social Security a check for $581 next year. This bill was put forward because of the lack of a COLA increase in order to help those in retirement that may have been relying on an increase in their monthly benefits. This is a 3.9% boost that would be completely paid for by closing a loophole that allows corporations to write off executive bonuses as business expenses. This one-time bonus could go a long way in helping those in retirement living on a fixed income. To read more about this visit this article by Ellen Chang with The Street.



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Comments On This Topic

    • Good catch Jean, and we thank you for bringing it to our attention. We have corrected that post from November 9, 2015, and we’ve also since changed our website management staff to avoid future errors.
      Again, thanks, and thanks also for being a devoted reader.

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