Putting America’s “Retirement Crisis” in Perspective

MarketWatch columnist Jeff Reeves takes aim at one of today’s serious issues by providing a chilling recap of the problems facing our country’s retirement system in the years ahead. Noting the dearth of savings on the part of future retirees, the decline in workplace-provided savings plans, the steadily disappearing availability of pensions, the impending benefit cuts faced my some pensioners, and the projected depletion of Social Security’s Trust Funds, he paints an ominous picture for what once was called the “golden years.”
Reeves’ article cites the absence of “heated public debate about the state of Social Security or the pending retirement crisis,” and exhorts readers to “…spare a moment amid your Independence Day festivities this week to think about Social Security and the state of American retirement — and more importantly, to think on how policy in these areas should reflect American values. And then, contact your elected representative in Congress.”
Read Reeves’ post here, and know that AMAC has been in the forefront of the fight to resolve a major part of this “retirement crisis” and has advanced a legislative framework for extending Social Security’s solvency for multiple generations. This framework–“AMAC’s Social Security Guarantee”–would sustain the Trust Fund’s balance for an estimated 75 years, without an increase in taxes. Learn more about this Guarantee via AMAC’s website.