Re-thinking the Term “Retirement” and Its Impact on Social Security and Medicare - UT News

As we’ve pointed out frequently on this website, the tempo is beginning to increase in the media regarding–finally–a serious look at correcting Social Security’s long-term financial woes. Many pundits and news sources have begun to step up their coverage of emerging thoughts on what needs to be done to correct the program’s trajectory toward insolvency, and we’re seeing what could be interpreted as a setting of the stage for substantive reform. And, as expected, much of the rhetoric focuses on the definition of one very fundamental term: “retirement.”
Two researchers–Jacqueline L. Angel & Juan Fernando M. Torres-Gil–at The University of Texas at Austin recently added to the ongoing debate on this term with an opinion piece titled “We Need to Rethink Retirement and When it Should Begin” In their published article, they discuss some of the history behind retirement in the context of both Social Security and Medicare, and offer conjecture on how today’s definition of retirement–and specifically one’s full retirement age for benefit purposes–affects various segments of the population. Although the article doesn’t make explicit recommendations, it does provide some background thought to be considered as part of the thought process on program reform. It can be accessed here…
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