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Sen. Graham Advocates Full Retirement Age Setback

Earlier this week, Senate Budget Committee chairman Lindsey Graham (R – SC) spoke in favor of a change to the Social Security full retirement age (FRA). SC Daily Gazette reporter Shaun Chornobroff, reporting on comments made by Sen. Graham in a constituent meeting, noted Graham’s position that “Congress should require people to work longer in the future to collect full Social Security retirement benefits” as part of the solution to resolve Social Security’s looming financial crisis. Citing a drop in the number of FICA-tax contributing workers and an increase in life expectancy, the four-term Senator explained that steps need to be taken to “keep the program solvent and ensure payments continue well into the future.” The Chornobroff highlights the origin of the current FRA (age 67 for those born in 1960 or later) and the deal that saved Social Security from insolvency 42 years ago, quoting Sen. Graham, “That really helped Social Security. We probably have to do that one more time.”

Read the full SC Daily Gazette article here.

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