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Social Security closes claiming loophole for people with disabilities
If you see something, say something. We have all grown accustomed to that public safety announcement in airports, train stations and subways warning us to speak up if something seems amiss in our post-9/11 society. I want to thank Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff for being the first to sound the alarm about a minor change in the Social Security Program Operations Manual System (POMS) late last year that resulted in a big change in the rights of people who receive Social Security disability benefits. Read more…
Hi, Folks at AMAC:
Your sign up page forces me to tell lies.
I do not live in a Federal Zone. I live in Texas which, is abbreviated as Tex. and NOT TX, and has no zip Code.
I would like to speak with a living man or woman about joining AMAC.
Thank you.
Jacques Jaikaran