Q & A

Social Security death benefits for children?

Full question: My daughter was on Social Security Disability when she died in July. I have legal custody of her two children, who receive a monthly survivor benefit. I was told they’re also entitled to the $255 death benefit, but we never received a check. Could it have gone to her husband? They hadn’t lived together for 14 years.

Answer: There are three possibilities: The $255 went to her husband, it was included in the children’s monthly checks, or it hasn’t yet been paid. The rule book says the death benefit goes to the surviving spouse if he was living with the deceased or collecting Social Security based on her record. The latter sounds unlikely, but not impossible. For example, after she started receiving Social Security disability, he could have filed for a spousal benefit if he was 62 or older. Read more…

Source: LYNN BRENNER –Newsday, April 11, 2014

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