Social Security…Looking Ahead to 2020

Columnist Tom Margenau, posting on, provides a comprehensive look at the year ahead for Social Security, His article addresses next year’s cost-of-living adjustment for beneficiaries, along with a discussion of supporters and critics of this program provision. He also takes a look at Medicare premiums for 2020, discussing the “hold harmless” provision and Medicare’s income-related monthly adjustment and who it impacts. There are a number of other update items addressed in his post, including the taxable earnings base for 2020, how Social Security credits are earned, and the often misunderstood “earnings test” affecting those who elect to remain un the workforce after starting their benefits, to name a few. Read his post here…
After reading Mr. Margenau’s article, if you still have questions about how any of this impacts you as a current or future Social Security beneficiary, don’t hesitate to contact the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service. Our trained and certified Advisors stand ready to help you, and there are no charges for this service. Learn more about it here…