Social Security Overpays Beneficiaries $38 Billion Over 10 Years

(By – Emma Boone, Americans for Tax Reform)
According to the United States Social Security website, the Social Security Administration (SSA) funds two of the biggest beneficiary programs, the Social Security Disability Insurance program and the Supplement Security Income program. Though in reality, it is taxpayers who are funding these programs.
A recent report shows that 44.5 percent of Social Security Disability beneficiaries were overpaid at some point over a ten year period, costing taxpayers an estimated $38 billion. The SSA has only been able to recover half of this, leaving billions of taxpayer dollars never to be seen again. The report points to instances where individuals whose benefits terminated- either because they were deceased, their medical condition improved, or they no longer met eligibility requirements- were still receiving benefits from the SSA. Read more…