Social Security Today: A “People Over Politics” Perspective - Brattleboro Reformer

As the rhetoric on Social Security’s long-term financial issues heats up, so does the division between approaches to reforming the system. Structural changes on one side of the argument focus on modernizing the program to bring it into line with 21st-century economics, while increased taxation to balance the equation leads the way on the other side. Hopefully, there’s a compromise position that can be hammered out in Congress to resolve the problem before the impact of the “fix” becomes too severe.
With that in mind, today’s headline post links to a sort of honest and straightforward view of the current Social Security debate, featuring the thoughts of podcaster Peter Case. His post appears today on the Brattleboro (Vermont) Reformer website, and can be accessed here. As Case points out, Social Security is in danger and this danger requires vigilance on the part of everyone affected, particularly with respect to understanding the positions and recommendations being advanced in the evolving discussions on Social Security’s future.
Referring to the period when Social Security was launched, Case sums up the sentiment then with this comment: “It was 1935 when the mantra was people over politics, which is why 85 percent of the people voted ‘Yes’ to pass it.” As the debate unfolds in the 118th Congress, let’s hope that analysis of the proposals advanced keeps in mind what’s in the best interests of current and future retirees and the U.S. economy in general.