Some survivors aren’t getting all they are entitled to

There’s little question that Social Security’s survivor benefits are a lifeline to countless widows and widowers. Losing one’s spouse is certainly devastating enough, without having to worry about being shorted on the survivor’s benefit that will undoubtedly be crucial to future living expenses. But a recent analysis by Social Security’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) revealed that, due to staff errors, more than 100,000 survivors didn’t get all they are due. This Investment News article by Mary Beth Franklin explains the OIG’s report and clarifies how Social Security survivor benefits work. Click here to read more.
If you’re unsure about how any of these basics apply to you, or if you have any questions about your individual survivor’s benefit under Social Security, note that the AMAC Foundation provides a free-to-the-public advisory service to help Americans navigate the complexities of this program. Learn more about it here…