Starved for funding, SSA struggles to provide good service

Even in the face of severely increased demand fueled by the wave of baby boomers retiring daily, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has been, for years, suffering budget restrictions which strain their ability to provide high quality service. Literally hundreds of thousands of daily phone calls and visits to SSA’s 1200 short-staffed field offices create an environment that stresses existing staff, often results in a failure to provide the public with what would be viewed as “good customer service”, and may result in loss of benefits for its clientele. In this PBS News Hour article by Philip Moeller, the author delves into both the cause and effect of the agency’s problems serving American seniors and others who depend on the SSA for benefits. Click here to read more.
If you’re having difficulty reaching the SSA, or are not comfortable that the information you’ve received from Social Security is accurate, or if you have any questions about your individual situation under Social Security, note that the AMAC Foundation provides a free-to-the-public service by NSSA-Certified Social Security Advisors to help Americans navigate the complexities of this program. Learn more about it here…