Stimulus Update: Social Security Recipients still Waiting - Forbes

The finger-pointing is escalating, as the Social Security Administration draws criticism from the chair of the House Ways & Means Committee, Rep. Richard Neal . Yesterday, the IRS reported disbursement of an additional 37 million economic impact payments (EIPs), but with respect to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries “… SSA still has not provided the IRS with the payment files that are needed to issue EIPs to these struggling Americans,” said Neal and three House colleagues in a letter to the SSA dated yesterday.
In a post by Forbes Senior Contributor Ashlea Ebeling on forbes,com, the progress to-date on the EIP distribution is explained, along with information on how Social Security and SSI (Supplemental Security Income) beneficiaries can obtain status information on their payment. Ms. Ebeling’s article also covers information relevant to federal beneficiaries, along with links to several related articles on the unfolding stimulus matter. Read the post here…