2024 Presidential Election

Presidential Candidate Harris on Social Security…Probably No Change in Position

The change in Democrat Party’s 2024 presidential campaign ticket will probably not yield any change in position on Social Security’s future, according to a post today by Newsweek reporter Aliss Higham. Although Harris’s specific policy points have yet to be…

Social Security is on the ballot

We are all aware that the Social Security and Medicare trust funds are on the road to insolvency in less than a decade from now. However, no detailed plan to solve this issue has yet to be released by either…

Candidate Desantis on Social Security: “Eligibility Requirements May Need to Change”

The Poynter Institute’s non-profit, nonpartisan fact-checking website Politifact came to the defense of presidential candidate Ron Desantis by rating a recent political ad “Mostly False” in its claim that the candidate “wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.” In a…

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