AMAC Social Security Guarantee

Senirs’ Growing Reliance on Social Security Benefits

The steadily eroding financial future of Social Security is popping up more frequently these days in a wide range of media outlets, and there’s no doubt that Congress’s strategy of kicking the can down the road is nearing its end.…

Support Expressed for Bipartisan Fiscal Commission

As Social Security’s long-term financial situation continues on a downward spiral, the possibility of a bipartisan commission addressing the country’s nagging–and growing–debt problem continues to show only limited movement. In fact, with no members selected to lead–or participate in–the effort,…

Social Security’s Reckoning: A Sobering Viewpoint on What Should be Emphasized

A quick look at political headlines today will show that the long-term financial problems facing our Social Security system are becoming more widely known. We’re in a less-than-decade window of when action must be taken—either corrective action or default action…

Social Security Insolvency and the Need for Public Awareness

Social Security’s revenue from payroll taxes (i.e., FICA tax) has not been able to completely cover benefits paid since 2010 and, since 2021, all sources of revenue coming into the program have been insufficient to make scheduled benefit payments. Consequently,…

Social Security Reform: Where are the Plans?

Reason reporter Eric Boehm, in a post on their website, raises the concern that neither of the likely most likely next presidents has a plan to address the very real Social Security solvency problem. As Boehm points out, both candidates…

2024 Social Security Trustees Report Published–Shows One-Year Improvement in Solvency

The 2024 edition of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program (Trustees Report) was issued yesterday afternoon. As noted in SSA’s press release announcing the report on 2023’s operations, “The combined asset reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance…

The Retirement Age Debate: Battle Lines are Continuing to be Drawn

In the days since last week’s release of the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) Fiscal Year 2025 Budget proposal–titled “Fiscal Sanity to Save America”–the airwaves have been alive with commentary on the future of Social Security. One of the more significant…

Social Security’s Future–A Reality Check on the Unfolding Dilemma

If you’ve been following the steadily unfolding solvency crisis facing our Social Security system, you’ve no doubt seen an equally steady stream of opinions on how best to address the situation. The Social Security trustees have been sounding the alarm…

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