On Social Security Solvency, No Surprise… Americans Want Action!

Hardly a day goes by that doesn’t present media accounts of Social Security’s long-term financial problems, most with dire projections of a substantial benefit reduction in about a decade. The hand-wringing is intense, often highlighting the terrible effects of an…
Challenging the “Tax the Rich” Pathway to Solvency

It’s a frequent refrain when addressing Social Security’s insolvency problem: “Make the rich pay their fair share.” You heard it in the State of the Union messaging earlier this year, you heard it in the recent presidential election debate, and…
Citizen Activists Join the Fight to Ward Off Social Security Insolvency

In an interesting display of public attention to the looming insolvency problem facing Social Security, union representatives and retiree activists in Wisconsin are focusing on the program’s current operations and its future. For the past two months, a regiment of…
Social Security’s Insolvency: Is it Time to Self-Insure?

This week’s issue of the 2024 Social Security Trustees Report product with it a mixed message–a slight improvement in the date for total depletion of the program’s financial reserves, along with a reminder that the program remains on a path…
A Primer on Social Security’s Problems & A Solution

What’s all this talk about Social Security’s problems all of a sudden? Why not just leave the program alone? Is Social Security going bankrupt? So what can be done? Are there pros and cons to each? Why not just raise…
A Quick Recap of What Candidates Biden and Trump Say About Social Security

Most recently, the Biden and Trump presidential campaigns appear to be marching in step concerning their plans for addressing Social Security’s financial problems. Simply put, both have advocated for a “hands-off” approach, although both have also vowed to “protect” the…
Tax Foundation Weighs In on Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act

Tax Foundation Senior Policy Analyst Garrett Watson’s detailed study of the proposed Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act legislation introduced last year concluded that the measures “will not fully solve the entitlement crisis and will hurt economic growth.” In…
FRA Setbacks, Means Testing, and the Inevitability of Tax Increases–One Viewpoint

In a follow-on to last week’s GOP Presidential Candidate Debate, and after considering suggestions put forth by candidates Nikki Haley and Chris Christie regarding adjustments to the full retirement age and incorporating additional means testing into the benefit formulas, financial writer…
Our Social Security Program Continues to Evolve, But Some Things Do Not Change

It’s common knowledge these days that America’s Social Security program is presently locked into a trajectory that will lead it to insolvency in less than a decade. While there are many resolutions on the drawing board to avoid reaching that…
Raising Taxes to Rescue Social Security?

It’s mentioned a lot by pundits and Democrat politicians– raise payroll taxes to fix Social Security’s ill financial health. Maurie Backman explains the program’s troubles (insolvency hits around 2033-34) followed by various tax raising proposals. One is to increase the…