The CARES Act and Deferred Savings Accounts
In a post on, The Savvy Senior’s Jim Miller addresses the retirement account changes implemented as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, specifically covering the matter of hardship withdrawals, loan limits, and required minimum distributions (RMDs).…
Clarification of the CARES Act Rules on Payroll Tax Deferral
The National Law Review, in a post today on their website, explains a number of provisions enacted via the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), along with a recap of…
Recapping the CARES Act’s Impact on Retirement Investments
The provisions of the Caronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, have the potential to impact the retirement strategies followed by investors. U.S. News and World Report contributor Josh Goulding, in an article titled “How Does the CARES…
Tax Implications of the CARES Act
In a podcast transcript posted at, Nicole Kaeding, vice president of policy promotion and economist with the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, discusses the CARES Act’s provisions and the tax-related issues related to them with David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today…
Explaining “Payroll Taxes” and Who Pays Them
Yahoo Finance contributor Rickie Houston, in a post on their site, examines the composition of “payroll taxes,” a term that has again surfaced in the stream of commentary surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic implications. Houston’s article defines the term…
Congress Passes the “CARES Act,” Including Relief Payments to Social Security Recipients

The “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” or the “CARES Act” passed today in Congress, designed to provide for substantial stabilization in America’s economy during the unprecedented medical crisis sweeping the country. As approved, the Act provides critically needed funding in…