Leveraging Your Largest Asset–Your Home–to Smooth Retirement Financial Planning
With one study highlighting the relative value of home equity in many retirees’ financial picture, and another highlighting how this piece of a retirees’ portfolio might be used to level out cash flow during the “golden years,” the lack of…
Tax Implications of the CARES Act
In a podcast transcript posted at, Nicole Kaeding, vice president of policy promotion and economist with the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, discusses the CARES Act’s provisions and the tax-related issues related to them with David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today…
Understanding the “Retirement Red Zone” and How to Navigate Through It
The “retirement red zone” is described by Anthony Adenikinju of Impact Partners in a post on as “the five-year period before retirement and the first five years during.” It’s not just a period of time…it’s a period of time during…
Working Longer May Not Be the Answer

The retirement savings dilemma seems to be one of the most enduring topics covered in media outlets these days. From those approaching retirement with meager accumulated wealth to those forced out of careers just as they entered the “wealth accumulation”…