Full retirement age
Want more money from Social Security?
Your full retirement age varies based on the year you were born. Also, the amount you would receive at your full retirement age- based on your lifetime earnings. However, the amount you are entitled to each month depends on when…
Candidate Christie Breaks Ranks on the Social Security Issue, Advocates Cuts
While the prevalent mindset during the runup to the election year seems to be a consistent aversion to addressing the Social Security solvency problem head-on, presidential candidate Chris Christie stepped out of line recently with statements calling for reform provisions…
Making an informed choice about when to claim Social Security

Starting your Social Security retirement benefits is an important step on your retirement journey. The Social Security Administration reports: Elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 12 percent of men and 15 percent of women, rely on Social Security for 90 percent or…
Before you file for Social Security
The fear of running out of money in retirement is a rational one. After all, you have spent your entire career making and saving money, but even that may run out. However, you will receive your Social Security benefit for…
When you’re able to retire on schedule
Starting your Social Security retirement benefits is a major step on your retirement journey. You can begin your retirement benefits as early as 62 or as late as 70. If you start your Social Security benefits as early as 62,…
Thoughts on Avoiding the Age 62 Filing Impulse
Statistically, filing for Social Security at the earliest possible age (62) has always been popular, and still about a third of all new filers are that age. The proportion of early filers has been declining in recent years, doubtless because…
Social Security Reform: A “Rocks and Hard Places” Story
Everyone who has been tracking the progression toward insolvency facing Social Security knows the broad scenario…without Congressional action, the Trust Fund reserves reach zero in less than a decade from now and benefits face an across-the-board cut of more than…
Subtle Missteps That Can Lead to You Short-Changing Yourself on the Benefits Front
Even today, it’s surprising that many folks still are not fully aware of some of the very basic aspects that govern the amount of benefit they will be able to draw from Social Security. For example, our AMAC Foundation Social…
Will Anticipated Voter Turnout Dictate the Future of Social Security Reform?

In analyzing the Social Security reform positions taken by President Biden and former President Donald Trump, Frank Gunter (professor of economics at Lehigh University) speculates that their priorities for resolution of the steadily progressing deterioration of the program’s finances would sacrifice…
There’s a clear advantage to claiming Social Security at a certain age.
Are you aware that the age you file for your Social Security benefits matters? You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62 but at a reduced amount. However, if you delay taking your benefits…