Full retirement age
How Claiming Social Security Early Can Hurt You
“Because it’s there” is the reason so many working Americans claim Social Security when they turn 62 years of age. Somewhat understandable when, for a whole lifetime, you’ve been paying money into a program and are anxious to start getting…
Before you claim your benefits at 62
You can receive Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62; however, you will receive a reduced benefit. Although you will receive more checks than other Social Security recipients who filed later, it does not mean you will receive…
Will these politicians help solve the Social Security insolvency
Although the leading presidential candidates have promised not to cut Social Security benefits, that does not mean other politicians agree with them. Three prominent political figures have proposed different solutions to the Social Security insolvency issue, ranging from increasing the…
What is your Social Security full retirement age

This year marks the start of the Silver Tsunami, with almost 12,000 people turning 65 daily in the next few years. However, many people are surprised that they have not reached their full retirement age to be able to collect…
What waiting to 70 to begin your benefits means
We all have seen the articles that say the average benefit at 70 as of 2022 was $1,938.49 per month. However, that doesn’t tell the whole story. The group of 70-year-olds includes people who claimed Social Security at different age…
One easy move to increase your Social Security benefit
One question the majority of people ask financial experts is: How can I maximize my Social Security benefit? There are ways that do not require you to hold a high-paying job or work two or three jobs; there is an…
Ask Rusty – Should I Claim Social Security at 68, or Wait Until I’m 70?
Dear Rusty: I have a question regarding my SS benefits. I turned 68 this month and work part time. I earned $28,000 last year but will probably gross $36,000 to $38,000 this year. My husband collects his SS, and he…
Claiming your Social Security benefits sooner than later
Most financial experts advise not to file for your Social Security benefits until you have maximized your benefit, usually at age 70. You max out your benefit by earning delayed retirement credits that will boost your monthly benefit by eight…
When Should you Claim Social Security?
There’s no single answer to that question, but there is one very important factor which is crucial for you to know when deciding, and that is your full retirement age (FRA). You FRA varies depending on the year you were…
Regret Claiming Social Security? Here’s what you can do
Deciding when to claim Social Security can be a daunting exercise and, far too often, the complexity of that decision leads to just throwing up your hands up and applying, without fully understanding the consequences of doing so. Then, a…