Auto-IRAs Can Help Retirees Delay Claiming Social Security

This well researched issue brief from The Pew Charitable Trusts provides a viable strategy for those seeking to maximize the amount they receive each from Social Security for the rest of their lives.  Most know that each month’s delay increases…

The CARES Act and Deferred Savings Accounts

In a post on, The Savvy Senior’s Jim Miller addresses the retirement account changes implemented as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, specifically covering the matter of hardship withdrawals, loan limits, and required minimum distributions (RMDs).…

Don’t let the current market whiplash spook you!

These are tense times for retirees and those looking near term at retirement. It would be naive to say that all is well, although history tells us things will settle down and there will be a recovery, but what is…

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