Exploring the Reality of IRMAA in Light of a Real-life Situation

Medicare’s income-related monthly adjusted amount (IRMAA) regulation can, and often does, catch seniors in specific situations unaware. LA Times columnist Liz Weston, a Certified Financial Planner, offers an explanation of how this regulation impacts beneficiaries taking a large one-time withdrawal from…

Ask Rusty – Shocked Because Medicare Increase Results in Loss of Social Security Benefits

Dear Rusty:  My wife and I have taken a Social Security “Cut” — no 3.2% raise for us, due to something called “IRMAA,” based on our income. We actually took, together, a $400 a month cut. As far as I…

What to know about managing Medicare Part B premiums

In October, the Social Security Administration announced the 2024 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 3.2 percent, with the average Social Security benefit going up $50. Later, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2024 monthly Part B premium…

Dealing With Hypocrisy: A Rebuttal to Complaints About Medicare Premiums and WEP/GPO

Creators Syndicates’ Tom Margenau, in a post on, uses his extensive experience as a Social Security Administration official to address two fundamental (and frequently recurring) complaints voiced by program beneficiaries questioning rulers that, in their opinion, are unjust. Margenau…

Health Insurance Costs and the Social Security COLA…Some Thoughts

In a post on, licensed insurance broker Harry P. Thal, MA offers commentary on how Social Security’s annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is calculated and the relationship between this COLA and the premium payments beneficiaries need to absord for Medicare coverage. His remarks also…

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