retirement benefits
Paying FICA Tax While Drawing Social Security Benefits
Many folks remain in the workforce after claiming their Social Security retirement benefits, some on a part time basis, some full time. Often one of their beliefs is that continuing to be subject to the payroll tax—the FICA tax—will increase…
The Average 2023 Monthly Benefit–How Do You Compare?
The Motley Fool’s Maurie Backman, in a post on, reports on the 2023 COLA-infused average monthly benefit. As she points out, though, one of the important things to be remembered about the 8.7% bump is that it simply reflects…
The Nuances of Switching from Disability to Retirement Benefits
In response to a question from a disability benefits recipient approaching her automatic transition to retirement benefits, this post on outlines the mechanics of the process, and explains the recipient’s inability to defer retirement benefits and continue on disability to…