retirement savings

Retirement Savings Goal…A Moving Target

It wasn’t that long ago that the popular phrase went something like this, “I’ll need a million dollars to retire.” Well, that was then, this is now, and the mythical goal line for accumulated wealth is continuing to stretch. Now,…

Retirement Financial Preparedness…A Growing Concern

Calling it a “growing problem” with the potential for a “notable impact on the U.S. Economy,” The Financial Brand’s Craig Guillot analyzes a looming financial problem facing a large swath of Americans approaching the traditional retirement age of 65. Guillot’s…

Are you familiar with the 414(h)plan?

The most common type of employer-sponsored retirement plan is a 401(k); however, certain employees may have access to a 414(h) plan instead. A 414(h) plan, also called a pick-up plan, offers people who hold government jobs a tax-advantaged way to…

The “Retirement Savings” Dilemma Continues in Full Force

The reasons are varied, but the constant conclusion is that many lower-income Americans are facing evaporating opportunities for financial security in retirement. In fact, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted last month that “only 1 in 10 low-income workers…

The retirement gap

One question facing American workers is: How much do I need to save for retirement? According to the latest survey from Charles Schwab, the average amount participants said they would need to retire comfortably is $1.8 million. Compared to the…

Survey Points to Concerns Over Social Security’s Future

A survey conducted last month by Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America confirms what many are waking up to: Americans have a diminishing hope for Social Security’s role in their retirment financing plans. No real surprise there, since for…

Retirement Savings Plans–Automatic Enrollment Favored

Passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 last December appears to have ushered in a new wave of interest in automatic enrollment in employer-sponsored retirement savings plans, according to the 10th annual American Century® Retirement Study. As noted in a…

Retirement Planning 101: A Look at Some Basics

As the article says at the outset, it’s never too early or too late to plan for your retirement. The simple fact is that the planning must start somewhere, and this post by the good folks at L’Observateur appearing on…

The Evolving Retirement Financing Landscape

No, it’s not just that Social Security is destined for some substantial reform (or, absent that, insolvency). The overall retirement financial planning panorama is on the verge of major shifting in the years ahead, according to post by U.S. News…

The Importance of HSAs in Retirement Savings Plans

Traditionally, most folks these days look to deferred compensation plans–IRAs and 401ks–as a primary source of wealth accumulation for retirement. This is especially relevant to the company-sponsored 401 k plans that offer an employer match. While all of this is…

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