
Minimizing your tax bill

One aspect not discussed in detail when saving for retirement is the impact of taxes on your retirement savings. Many retirees may be taxed at 20 to 30 percent when withdrawing from their retirement accounts. Only one-third of respondents of…

Unplanned early retirement

Some people have their retirement all planned out from an early age, and then there are the rest of us, playing catch-up in our 50s and 60s. Unfortunately, some of us find ourselves in early retirement due to circumstances beyond…

Three possible scenarios that could cost you a fortune

We all dream of how we want our golden years to look surrounded by family, sunshine, and good health, but that is not always the case. If you are age 65 in 2024, statistics show you will need five or…

Ideal retirement age

According to recent data, America’s ideal retirement age is 59.4. Although that sounds wonderful, it does come with some drawbacks. Maurie Backman advises why this ideal retirement age could be problematic for many individuals. Read Ms. Backman’s article here… Notice:…

Turning 65 this year, you need to start planning

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. population is approaching a landmark sometimes called Peak 65, or silver tsunami, when more than 12,000 people will start turning 65 each day, hitting an estimated total of 4 million for the…

Op-ed: America’s predatory retirement system is trapped in the Stone Age

Sid Mohasseb, an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California, writes in The Hill that, while many Americans celebrate their many freedoms, retirement just isn’t one of them. His main point is summed up with this: “The country’s dual approach…

Thoughts on Avoiding Retirement Mistakes

As you begin to examine Social Security and reflect on the options available to you, it’s important to consider which options might cause you discomfort later in your retired life. Some of these options result in lower monthly benefits, some…

Leveraging Your Largest Asset–Your Home–to Smooth Retirement Financial Planning

With one study highlighting the relative value of home equity in many retirees’ financial picture, and another highlighting how this piece of a retirees’ portfolio might be used to level out cash flow during the “golden years,” the lack of…

Plans to Work Later in Life and Ageism…A Growing Problem?

Senior-oriented media accounts of retirement plans for those approaching that stage of life often suggest that most Americans are likely to remain in the workforce well past becoming eligible for Social Security benefits. A good plan for many folks, given…

Retirement Perspectives: Have the Golden Years Become a Luxury?

In a post yesterday on Business Insider, reporter Jordan Parker Erb poses the question of whether a growing retirement crisis has become “a luxury many workers can’t afford.” From the steady disappearance of defined benefit pension plans to the extended…

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