
Social Security is facing a cash shortage

The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies recently reported that 88 percent of baby boomers expect to rely on Social Security in retirement. However, Social Security will be insolvent in just 11 years, forcing benefits to be cut by nearly 17…

A Different View on the Importance of Social Security’s Solvency Issue

RealClearMarkets’ editor John Tamny, in a post on their website, offers an opinion on the urgency of Social Security’s insolvency problem that differs substantially from many seen in financial media. In his post, he observes that the absence of demonstrated…

CRR Weighs In on Social Security Solvency

A recent post on by Editor-in-Chief Brian Anderson analyzes comments from Center for Retirement Research at Boston College Director Alicia H. Munnell concerning the urgent need for corrective attention to address the looming Social Security solvency problem. Referring to…

Social Security Insolvency and the Need for Public Awareness

Social Security’s revenue from payroll taxes (i.e., FICA tax) has not been able to completely cover benefits paid since 2010 and, since 2021, all sources of revenue coming into the program have been insufficient to make scheduled benefit payments. Consequently,…

The Probability of Retiring (and Living) on Social Security Benefits Alone

The Motley Fool’s James Brumley, in a post on their website, sends a note of caution to those with little (or no) savings but still heading toward their retirement years. On the basic question of whether Social Security will be…

A Dialog on the Age 62 vs. FRA vs. Age 70 Claiming Question

It’s probably one of the most frequent questions any financial advisor receives: Should I claim Social Benefits as soon as possible or wait? Here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service, we hear it often, and our response always…

Ask Rusty – I’m Already Collecting Social Security – How Will My WEP Reduction be Calculated?

Dear Rusty:  I don’t understand exactly how the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) works for my situation. I turned 62 in 2017 and am currently still working in a “non-covered” job, not paying into Social Security, but from which I will…

Will Medicare and Social Security be Available to the Next Generation?

Surveys show many Americans are concerned that Medicare and Social Security will not be there for them. This anxiety is fueled by the inaction of Congress to resolve the solvency issue. Read this article by Austin Denean for The National…

Learn about Social Security’s “Do Over” Option

Social Security has a little known rule called the “Do Over” option which can be helpful to early filers. You have the opportunity to stop your benefits and pay back what you have received with 1 year. This wipes the…

How to get a Fairly Accurate Estimate of Your Future Social Security Benefits

Knowing a number close to what you will actually receive in benefits is important for retirement planning. If you are between 50 and 65 it’s time to find out this information. Read this article by Trevor Jennewine published by The…

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