
New retirement saving and rule changes

Why is saving for retirement so hard? Most of us don’t make enough decisions with the future in mind, so it’s easier to do nothing than to make a change. However, saving and planning for retirement will be easier in…

Importance of retirement planning beyond Social Security

The average Social Security recipient received $21,924 in 2023. Social Security is the foundation of all retirement plans, but is it enough for you to survive? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average 65-year-old and older spends an…

How would the Retirement Benefit Account (RBA) hurt retirement savings?

IBM announced they will replace their 401(k)-matching program with a new Retirement Benefit Account (RBA) starting January 1st. Their statement said: “Each employee who’s served at least a year will receive a “monthly account credit” up to the IRS limits…

It’s all about realistic expectations

Social Security is a primary income source for most people aged 65 and older. You can start your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, if you start to receive your benefits early, your monthly Social Security…

Changes to your retirement savings

For those individuals saving for retirement in 2024, you received some good news from the IRS last week. The IRS announced the 2024 contribution limit increases of $500 for 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans, and the federal government’s Thrift Savings…

Can better communication between spouses lead to more retirement savings?

New research shows that married couples who do not communicate with their spouse about saving for retirement lose, on average, almost $700 in savings every year. The study found that “24 percent of couples failed to coordinate their contributions to…

There’s more to consider when deciding to begin your Social Security benefits

Social Security is a primary income source for most people aged 65 and older. Without Social Security benefits, 37.7 percent of older adults would have incomes below the poverty line. Social Security is the cornerstone of many retirees’ income, so…

Women and retirement savings

“Women are more likely to live in poverty in retirement than are men,” according to the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor. Statistically, “11.6 percent of women aged 65 or more years live in poverty, compared with 8.8 percent…

Stressed over money topics, try to rethink them

Today’s economic atmosphere is stressful without all the misleading or incomplete information, making it worse for most people. So, what to do about it? Russ Wiles explains how reframing or rethinking the challenges or obstacles in a different light may…

Social Security may not be as reliable as it seems.

According to the data from the Social Security Administration, among Social Security beneficiaries age 65 and older, 12 percent of men and 15 percent of women rely on Social Security for 90 percent or more of their income. According to…

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