Retirement…The Elusive Goalposts
Statistics show that Americans are remaining in the workforce longer these daysm, with labor force participation rates among men and women showing significant increases compared to the 1990s. As explained by MarketWatch’s Alessandra Malito in a post on, there are several key…
A Quick Review of FRA and its Implications
The Motley Fool’s Matthew Frankel, in a post today on, re-explains the full retirement age (FRA) concept, noting that a Fidelity Investments survey last year concluded that only about a quarter of Americans were aware of theirs. His post goes…
SSA Office Closings Intensify Public Concerns

Recently-announced plans to close Social Security Administration field offices in Arlington and Baltimore have shed new light on a wave of discontent among the elderly and those in need of on-site service from the agency. Washington Post reporter Patricia Sullivan, in a…
Living on Fixed Resources: An Accountable View
For seniors grappling with the dichotomy of a relatively fixed income in the face of continually rising prices, and situations like the shock of Social Security COLA adjustments being eaten up by Medicare premium increases, it’s refreshing at times to…
Retirement…A Lifestyle That Doesn’t Work for Some
Call it “unretiring” or just changing mindsets, but it appears that a trend is emerging that brings folks back into the workforce after taking a stab at retirement. In a post on, Paula Span provides a glimpse into the…
The Upside of Working Longer
To some, the thought of working longer than originally anticipated might be depressing. To others, this option might represent a partial solution to their nagging concerns over outliving their assets in retirement. And with so much written about the lack…
Filing for Benefits: The Basic Question
As multimedia journalist Tracy Byrnes point out at the beginning of her post on, the first and most basic question you should consider asking yourself is, “Do you really need the check?” Asking this question will help you think through the pros…
Boomers Confident About Retirement Lifestyle, but is it Wishful Thinking?
Citing an NHP Foundation quote pointing to a “disconnect between Baby Boomers’ current financial status and where they perceive themselves in retirement,” a post by PlanAdvisor’s Lee Barney takes a look at a potential disconnect between where those age 50 and older…
Social Security’s Diminishing Ability to Keep Pace
With national health care spending growing at an average rate of 5.5% for the next decade, it’s easy to see why the recent trend in Social Security’s cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs)–1.1% average for the past five years–is cause for concern among the System’s…
Planning on Working in Retirement? What if You Can’t?

The statistics are impressive: 79% of future retirees expecting to hold a job in their retirement years, for example. For some, working fills a social need; for others it fills an economic need. And for still others, having this as…