
Chronic Care Management may be available to you.

Chronic Care Management has been found to help Medicare patients reduce hospital and clinic visits.  A person who has two or more chronic conditions is eligible for a federal program that pays doctors to do more to manage the patients…

A Sad Statistic: 30,000 died awaiting approval of SS Disability benefits

Social Security’s customer service issues are quite well known, especially by those who submit an application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. On average, it’s now taking about 8 months for an initial SSDI determination, and appeals of denied…

A Widow’s Social Security Journey

The aftermath of losing a spouse is difficult enough, without the stress of dealing with the Social Security Administration when they learn of your spouse’s death. And Social Security does find out – if not from a survivor, they’re usually…

Early Estimate of 2025 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

While it is still way too early in the year to say with certainty what next year’s COLA increase will be, one senior’s group is suggesting that continued high inflation will likely mean another 3% (or so) increase to everyone’s…

The WEP/GPO Debate Rages On

Congress has been under considerable pressure lately over two Social Security provisions which have, for decades, irked some retirees from public service. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) affect those who have a federal, state,…

Approaching 65? Here’s what you should know about Medicare

Medicare is the national healthcare plan for those over age 65 and, as you approach that age, there are several things you should keep in mind. First, you should remember than not enrolling in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period…

Working during retirement – an increasing trend

“Back in the old days,” as some would say, you worked many years in your career, and then retired to your so-called “golden years” of leisure, collecting your pension and your Social Security benefits. Well, the “old days” are no…

New Bill would make breakthrough technology available to Medicare participants

The Patient Access to Innovative New Technologies Act of 2024 ( HR 7939) would increase availability of new technology to Medicare recipients. This is a step forward in making sure patients have access to state of the art technology that…

Is there an ideal age to claim Social Security?

Is there an ideal age to claim Social Security? Well, recent research on this topic suggests that age 70 is the best age in most circumstances but, curiously, that is not the age at which most beneficiaries actually claimed. A…

Are you going to be able to retire at 65?

A majority of pre – retirees are adjusting their retirement strategies and deciding to put retirement off until later than 65.  Many financial advisors are suggesting people wait to take Social Security until later to increase their payments as much…

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