Social Security Myths

Setting the Record Straight on Social Security’s Mortality

One of the more prominent and durable myths about Social Security is the persistent proclamation of the program’s trajectory toward disappearance, with many pundits even setting a timeline for this death march. You’ve probably seen the headlines (e.g., “Social Security…

Social Security: Let’s Look at Some of the Key Myths

The potential for Social Security reform is starting to gain momentum in the 118th Congress, and several of our posts over the past several weeks on this site have covered signs of forward motion on this vexing issue. Given the…

Five Social Security Myths Debunked

To younger workers, it has become almost urban legend to say things like, “I’ll never get a dime from Social Security.  It’ll be broke by then.”  But that is patently false.  In this easy to understand and important three minute…

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