Social Security solvency

A Retrospective of The Need for Social Security Reform Measures

In a post yesterday od Vettafi Advisor Perspectives, content contributor and retired actuary Ken Steiner offers an analysis of what has happened over the past 40 years regarding deterioration of Social Security’s financial situation, and provides conjecture on policy actions…

Bipartisan Fiscal Commission Proposal Gets a Nod from House Budget Committee

House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington (R-TX) recently emphasized the importance of moving ahead with legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal commission to address long-term federal deficit reduction, citing the need to focus on all aspects of the country’s finances…

Eliminating Tax-preferred Retirement Savings–A Way to Address Insolvency?

A study published recently by The Center for Retirement Research has called into question the possibility of eliminating “retirement saving tax preferences on employer-sponsored plans” and diverting the increased income tax revenue directly into Social Security to help address the…

Hope for the Best; Plan for the Worst

According to a recent survey, 41% of older Americans believe that Social Security won’t exist in its current form for their entire retirement. Probably not an unusual statistic, considering the media attention lately given to Social Security looming financial issue.…

About Fixing Social Security’s Finances

More and more organizations are sounding the alarm – an alarm that the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) has been sounding for years – that Congress must act soon to fix Social Security’s looming financial issues. This InvestmentNews article…

A Complex Problem: Social Security Solvency

For over 8 decades, Social Security has been paying earned benefits on time, providing a crucial source of income for eligible Americans. A Social Security payment has never been missed since monthly payments began in 1940, and a payment has…

The One Social Security Metric that Doesn’t Change

Most Social Security “metrics” (the various factors which affect your monthly benefit amount and the SS payroll taxes you pay) change each year to account for inflation and changes to the national Average Wage Index (AWI). Inflation, obviously, has an…

Will these politicians help solve the Social Security insolvency

Although the leading presidential candidates have promised not to cut Social Security benefits, that does not mean other politicians agree with them. Three prominent political figures have proposed different solutions to the Social Security insolvency issue, ranging from increasing the…

Eliminating 401(k) tax benefits to fund Social Security

We all know the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted by 2034 if Congress does nothing, resulting in a 20 percent cut to Social Security beneficiaries, but is there a way to avoid this? According to new research published…

Eliminating federal tax on Social Security benefits?

Could eliminating federal tax on Social Security benefits be soon? Yes, if You Earned It, You Keep It Act (H.R. 8717) passes by both the House and Senate and then signed by the President to become law. However, this is…

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