Social Security solvency

Optimistic about the future of Social Security

Despite all the fear-mongering on social media saying Social Security is going bankrupt and will not be able to pay Social Security benefits, over half of the respondents to a recent survey said they expect to receive Social Security benefits.…

Social Security’s Future Continues to Build as a Campaign Subject

As could be expected, the gnawing issue of Social Security’s projected insolvency is becoming a pivotal talking point for the 2024 election year. This week, President Biden addressed the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce in Milwaukee and lashed out at…

Assessing the “Inevitability” of Social Security’s Insolvency

So much of today’s economic and political rhetoric, as well as many studies of Social Security’s steady financial decline, focuses on the predictable consequences of the program’s deficit situation. Many solutions are on the table, and someday they will get…

Op-ed: Raising Social Security Retirement Age Can Help Ease Insolvency issue

Brenton Smith, a policy adviser to the Heartland Institute, explains there is no one solution to fix Social Security’s ills. The program will be unable to pay full benefits in about a decade. Raising the retirement age should be a…

Are higher taxes the only solution to Social Security insolvency?

We are all aware – I hope you are – that the Social Security Trust fund will be depleted by the end of 2033, forcing benefit cuts of 20 percent in 2034 if Congress cannot find a solution. So, what…

The clock is ticking for Congress

According to American writer Jack Kornfield, “The trouble is you think you have time.” The reality is we do not. Congress has until 2033 to come to a bipartisan agreement about Social Security, or there will be an automatic cut…

What the five GOP candidates said about raising the retirement age

During the 3rd Republican candidates’ debate, the third rail of American politics – Social Security- was discussed. The difference in the approach of the five attending candidates in solving the Social Security and Medicare insolvency issue was on display. The…

It’s a crisis that could have been easily avoided

Americans know, as you should by now, that the Social Security Trust fund is in trouble. The trustees reported the combined funds will pay 100 percent of scheduled benefits until 2034. In 2034, total fund income will be sufficient to…

Three things you should know about Social Security

A day doesn’t go by without a doom and gloom article appearing on how the Social Security trust fund is going bankrupt. Yes, since 2021 the trust fund is being used to ensure full benefits and will be depleted in…

The American Academy of Actuaries are urging Congress to act now

The American Academy of Actuaries has issued a new brief urging Congress to act sooner than later to stop the automatic 20 percent cut to individuals already receiving Social Security benefits. They warned if Congress does not come up with…

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