Social Security solvency

Both Biden & Trump Social Security “fixes” miss the mark

Sean Williams has a piece that describes the stark reality of leaving the Social Security program alone– benefit cuts in excess of 20% in a decade. Williams notes that since 1985, the annually released Social Security Board of Trustees Report…

Need to have an honest conversation about Social Security

The presidential candidates are promising to preserve Social Security, but the reality is that if Congress does not take action by 2035, seniors will see a cut to their benefits. When discussing the Social Security insolvency issue, many myths about…

Workers want lawmakers to shore up Social Security

U.S. workers want lawmakers to address Social Security’s insolvency issue. In a recent report, 58 percent of workers said they want the President and Congress to fix Social Security. However, when asked what Congress should do, the response was mixed,…

Social Security is facing a cash shortage

The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies recently reported that 88 percent of baby boomers expect to rely on Social Security in retirement. However, Social Security will be insolvent in just 11 years, forcing benefits to be cut by nearly 17…

Older Voters & Social Security: New poll results

Lorie Konish of CNBC explains the looming insolvency of Social Security and then notes it is an “up for grabs” issue for both parties in the 2024 election. Support on this issue is essentially tied between Democrats and Republicans. Konish…

Yes. Social Security Retirement Age Should Be Raised

Rachel Greszler, a Senior Research Fellow at The Roe Institute, makes the case for raising Social Security’s full retirement age to 69 or 70 as a way to stave off insolvency. When the program was enacted, life expectancy at birth was 61…

Actuaries state Social Security cut will be $325/mo starting in 2033 without changes

That’s right, for the average Social Security recipient, benefit cuts of $325 per month begin in 2033 absent reform, according to the head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare, who testified before a House panel last week on the two safety net…

Social Security is in big trouble. Will a commission help?

It’s hardly a new idea– set up a blue ribbon panel of experts to tell us what we already know and propose a mix of the only three possibilities to help a program in financial distress– raise taxes, cut benefits,…

Budget Committee’s Arrington on Social Security & Medicare Solvency: “Let’s Get to Work!”

Yesterday, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) opened the hearing formally titled “Medicare and Social Security: Examining Solvency and Impacts to the Federal Budget” with a statement stressing that “retirement security and health care security have 60+ million people…

A Different View on the Importance of Social Security’s Solvency Issue

RealClearMarkets’ editor John Tamny, in a post on their website, offers an opinion on the urgency of Social Security’s insolvency problem that differs substantially from many seen in financial media. In his post, he observes that the absence of demonstrated…

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