Social Security solvency

Reforming Social Security

Social Security needs updates now to avoid a decrease in benefits for all beneficiaries in about 10 years. There are an abundance of ideas on how this should be accomplished. This Watchblog by the Government Accountability Office gives us a…

Commentary: Eliminate improper Medicare & Medicaid payments to save Social Security

Thomas M. Cassidy, a former senior investigator for the New York State Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, suggests better management of Medicare and Medicaid to save Social Security from insolvency and across the board cuts in 2033. He notes…

Trump: No income tax on Social Security

Timothy Nerozzi of Fox News reports on news that Donald Trump made related to Social Security this week. Income tax on benefits draws the ire of seniors nationwide, especially since more are ensnared each year by the low thresholds that…

Trump & Harris Trade Barbs on Social Security. Who’s Right?

Glenn Kessler starts with, “In every presidential election, Democrats and Republicans lob charges and claims about the venerable old-age programs Social Security and Medicare.” Indeed. Harris is incorrectly stating Project 2025 cuts Social Security. She seems to be using that…

Economist Predicts How a President Harris Would Handle Social Security Reform

Over 70 million people receive Social Security benefits. Angela Mae of Yahoo Finance asked Professor Dennis Shirshikov of City University of New York for his predictions on how Kamala Harris is likely to handle the impending insolvency of the program, should…

Worst-Case Scenario Planning is Becoming More Prevalent

Gallup polling some months ago suggested that almost half of non-retirees have become skeptical about the existence of Social Security in their future. Despite the unrealistic belief that the program will disappear completely, many engaged in long-range financial planning have…

Thought Leaders Weigh In on Social Security Reform

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation (PGPF), a nonpartisan organization focusing on the nation’s fiscal issues, provides various forums for policy influencers to contribute to the legislative conversations shaping the future for America’s seniors. PGPF’s Solutions Initiative 2024 is one such…

On Social Security Solvency, No Surprise… Americans Want Action!

Hardly a day goes by that doesn’t present media accounts of Social Security’s long-term financial problems, most with dire projections of a substantial benefit reduction in about a decade. The hand-wringing is intense, often highlighting the terrible effects of an…

Challenging the “Tax the Rich” Pathway to Solvency

It’s a frequent refrain when addressing Social Security’s insolvency problem: “Make the rich pay their fair share.” You heard it in the State of the Union messaging earlier this year, you heard it in the recent presidential election debate, and…

Adults are worried

Americans are worried. According to the latest Gallup poll, three-quarters of adults aged 65 and younger said they are concerned about Medicare, and 80 percent said they are worried about Social Security benefits. The poll also found the respondents “make…

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