Social Security solvency

The Party who modifies Social Security will Reap Political Rewards

Eventually either benefits will be cut about 20% across the board or changes will be made. There are many different scenarios, some of which will push the burden (especially in the form of taxes) onto future generations. Read Veronique De…

Regarding Portions of the 6/6/2024 Social Security Subcommittee Hearing on Trust Funds

We all know that Social Security is on a path to trust fund insolvency by 2035. The hearing points out that the Biden Administration’s new budget will make things worse. Nothing is being done right now to correct the situation.…

Ways to alleviate Social Security’s Insolvency

Both Social Security and Medicare are popular with Americans on both sides of the aisle, but their is a deep divide on how to fix the situation. Some possibilities include, raising the tax limit, raising taxes, and raising the Full…

According to a Survey a majority of American adults under 65 are concerned about Social Security and Medicare being available to them

Rising health care costs are behind a rising fear that Americans under 65 will not have adequate social support as they age. They are concerned about B the future of Medicare as well as Social Security. Some experts predict that,…

How could Social Security Insolvency affect your Retirement?

This report by David Fei published on June 3, 2024 for contains information on this very topic. Perhaps it’s a good strategy to take the potential reductions to consider in your retirement planning. Social Security will always pay benefits.…

The So-called Social Security “Apocalypse”

“Apocalypse” and “Doomsday” are words which have been used to describe Social Security’s looming financial issue, but both words are not an accurate way to described the problem. According to this FOX29 article by Heather Miller, it would be more…

Options for Restoring Social Security to Solvency

It’s certainly no secret that Social Security will be facing some serious financial difficulty in about ten years – that fact has been all over the media for a few years now. The stark reality is that reform of the…

About Raising Social Security’s Full Retirement Age

Hyperbole and apparent political endorsement aside, this Motley Fool article by Maurie Backman identifies and tacitly endorses a controversial solution to Social Security’s financial woes – raising the full retirement age (FRA). FRA is when a claimant can get 100%…

Social Security Solvency: A Perspective

Considering all the media exposure the topic has received in recent years, you’re likely already aware that Social Security is facing some financial issues in the not-too-distant future. To be exact, 2033 is when the program’s Trustees currently project Social…

Millennials Likely to Bear the Burden of Social Security Reform

Given all the media coverage in the past year or so, it’s now pretty well known that Social Security – the nation’s bedrock retirement program – will face serious financial issues in about a decade. Although the recently released Social…

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