Social Security solvency

As the Dust Settles from Monday’s Trustees Report, Here Are Some Important Facts

It’s been an exciting few days since the 2024 Social Security Trustees Report was released, at least for those who follow this topic closely. Report after report has explored the upsides and downsides of the newest projections for the trust…

2024 Social Security Trustees Report–Accentuating the Positives

While the most recent Social Security Trustees Report to Congress reflects an additional year before the point of insolvency is reached, the fact remains that insolvency remains in the relatively near future for the program. This is the bad, and…

Social Security Reform: Where are the Plans?

Reason reporter Eric Boehm, in a post on their website, raises the concern that neither of the likely most likely next presidents has a plan to address the very real Social Security solvency problem. As Boehm points out, both candidates…

Fixing Social Security: Traditional Approachdes Vs. Something Radically Different

The 2024 Social Security Trustees Report, despite the euphoria rampant in the minds of many pundits, simply continued what has been known for decades–the system is in serious trouble. And as we’ve been trumpeting on this site for the past…

A Word of Caution Amid the Euphoria of a Slight Improvement

The media airwaves are awash in reports about the one-year setback in Secutiry’s point of insolvency. Good news? Yes, of course, but before we join in the giddiness, it’s important that we stay focused on the reality that the new…

2024 Social Security Trustees Report Published–Shows One-Year Improvement in Solvency

The 2024 edition of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program (Trustees Report) was issued yesterday afternoon. As noted in SSA’s press release announcing the report on 2023’s operations, “The combined asset reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance…

Retirement Financial Preparedness…A Growing Concern

Calling it a “growing problem” with the potential for a “notable impact on the U.S. Economy,” The Financial Brand’s Craig Guillot analyzes a looming financial problem facing a large swath of Americans approaching the traditional retirement age of 65. Guillot’s…

Ask Rusty – Future Retiree Worried About Social Security’s Future

Dear Rusty:  I keep reading that the SSA will only be able to pay out 75% of benefits come 2033. If congress were to do nothing and this reduction in benefits occurred, would seniors already collecting benefits in 2033 have…

A Primer on Social Security’s Problems & A Solution

What’s all this talk about Social Security’s problems all of a sudden? Why not just leave the program alone? Is Social Security going bankrupt? So what can be done? Are there pros and cons to each? Why not just raise…

New COLA calculation bill in Congress

Erin Bendig of Kiplinger explains a new bill in Congress that could result in a change to Social Security cost of living adjustments (COLAs) that could benefit retirees. The Boosting Benefits and COLAs for Seniors Act, proposed by Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) and Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA),…

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