Social Security

Can more immigration help what ails Social Security?

Among the more peculiar and less reported findings in this week’s Social Security Trustees report are these three.  First, fewer workers applied for disability benefits in 2018 than expected, which lowered overall costs.  Second, life expectancy decreased.  As Americans die sooner than…

Social Security’s Looming Insolvency – Blessing or Curse?

Imagine how you would feel after your doctor said, “I’ve got some bad news for you.  You are healthy now, but you will die one day.”  You’d surely be relieved he didn’t give you 6-12 months to live.  And so…

Social Security–the problem and possible solution

That Social Security is facing problems in the long-term is little news to those have have followed the program for decades.  The days of stockpiling surpluses from more taxes coming in than are paid out will end in 2020  As Brad…

What deficits from 2020-2034 mean for Social Security

It was to occur this year, but the strong U.S. economy has given the Social Security program one additional year before benefits paid out exceed income, derived from payroll taxes on workers as well as interest and income tax on…

Social Security not going anywhere soon

The 2018 Transamerica survey that stated that more than 75 percent of Americans are concerned Social Security will not be there for them when they are ready to retire continues to set off alarm bells, especially in light of the…

Nobel laureate Richard Thaler’s controversial plan – a 401(k) to get more Social Security?

Nobel laureate Richard Thaler is a behavioral economist and professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.  He notes that those saving for retirement face two problems when it comes to managing their money: how to effectively save for…

Three step checklist for retirement

When should I start saving for retirement, people often ask?  The answer jokingly is yesterday, but in reality, as soon as possible.  Tax-advantaged retirement savings vehicles such as 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are routinely advocated by financial experts,…

Essentials of The 2019 Social Security Trustees Report

This fourth week of April 2019 is being dominated by release of the annual Trustees Report on Social Security.  Little has changed to improve the long-term financial problems facing this program due to changing demographics, but there are a few takeaways…

What If I Sign Up for Medicare Before Social Security?

Maurie Backman notes that signing up for Social Security before Medicare matters little as far as the mechanics of it all.  Age 62 is currently the most popular age to file for Social Security, even though seniors have between ages 62 and 70…

Beware these retirement planning myths

Kailey Fralick’s article here tries to steer those planning for their golden years away from three common misconceptions that could doom their ability to have a stable, secure retirement.  To begin, people in their 20s and 30s think retirement is so…

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