Social Security

Trump’s New Chief of Staff & Social Security

President Trump has appointed Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget and a true fiscal hawk, as White House Chief of Staff effective January 1, 2019.  The President’s views on Social Security have consistently stated no program…

Social Security succeeds as an anti-poverty program

Maurie Backman points out in this article that 15.3 million seniors live above the poverty line thanks to Social Security income.  But he also notes today’s workers are often overly optimistic about the amount of income Social Security will replace,…

Social Security not going away despite its troubles

The oft cited 2018 Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found 83 percent of Generation X workers and 80 percent of Millennials don’t think Social Security will be there for them in retirement.  But, as Holly Peterson reports, this fear is overblown. …

COLA 2020…A Long-Range Look Ahead

It might be a pointless exercise to gaze a year into the future, given the uncertainties swirling around the economy in h=general and the federal government in particular; nevertheless, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams, in a post today on, does…

Deficit Spending and the Consequences Ahead

For anyone following the economy these days (and who isn’t, given the stock market antics over the past few weeks), the fact that we’re approaching a national debt level of $22 trillion in the very near future is well known. An…

Here’s Help in Designing Your Retirement Plan

Building your retirement plan is a daunting task, for sure. And sometimes it appears so daunting that you don’t know where to start. Don’t despair…help is readily available from a number of sources. In this post on, three fundamental “starter”…

You Can Help Social Security Make a Difference

(Source – Social Security Administration) This holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on our less fortunate and most vulnerable citizens. Life is unpredictable, and everyone is susceptible to experiencing homelessness. It can happen to people in our community…

More on the On-Again/Off-Again Shutdown and Social Security

Yesterday, there were signs that the government shutdown could be averted. Today, it appears it’s back on the horizon. Either way, as the vacillation continues in Washington, many folks–especially Social Security beneficiaries–have questions about what will happen. This post by…

Will the Trend of Waiting to File Reverse in the Years Ahead?

While age 62 remains a very popular age to file for Social Security benefits, with more than 60% choosing this option just a few years ago, there has been a statistical trend away from early filing. As more and more…

Putting the Potential Government Shutdown in Perspective

Although this morning there’s a glimmer of hope that the impending December 21 “shutdown” of the federal government may be temporarily averted, the potential of such an event stirs emotions in many parts of the country, not the least of which is…

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