Social Security

Thoughts on Removing the Tax Cap to Save Social Security

Although it’s been a fairly constant part of many Social Security reform proposals, the removal of the annual limit on earnings subject to FICA tax as a way to address the program’s solvency issue continues to stall in the face of…

Understanding the Complexities of Disability in SSDI amd SSI

In an article titled “What’s Really Keeping People With Disabilities Unemployed” posted on, Karin Willison provides a detailed account of the myriad complexities faced by beneficiaries under America’s disability support programs. As Disability Employment Awareness Month winds to an end next week,…

Thoughts on Stretching Your Nest Egg

Outliving one’s accumulated financial resources in retirement continues to be a serious concern for many folks thinking about retirement (or already in retirement). The Street’s Robert Powell, in a post on provides some thoughts on steps one can take…

The Implications of Filing for Social Security Early

MarketWatch contributor Brenton Smith provides, in a post on, some thoughts on the long-term implications of filing for Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age or even before age 70, when delayed retirement credits stop. His analysis of Social…

How do age differences impact your Social Security decisions?

Whether it’s a single marriage situation or a re-marriage, the decision on when and how to file for Social Security benefits can be a key part of a couple’s retirement financial strategy. In a recent Washington Post article, columnist Michelle…

More on Social Security COLA Deficiencies

“Social Security’s annual COLA is failing the group of people it was most designed to protect: senior citizens.” This quote is excerpted from a post by The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams on, wherein he delineates several key reasons why the annual…

Social Security By the Numbers

The Motley Fool’s Selena Maranjian takes a look at 25 of the most fascinating numerical facts about Social Security, from the size of the program’s annual payout to beneficiaries (about $1 trillion), to the estimated value of the insurance it provides…

What’s ahead in 2019 for Social Security?

From the largest cost-of-living adjustment in seven years to a bump in Medicare Part B premiums, there’s a new set of numbers to be factored into the 2019 Social Security year. The Motley Fool’s Todd Campbell takes a look at eight…

Social Security Mother’s or Father’s Insurance Benefit

(Source: The Social Security Mother’s or Father’s Insurance Benefit is a federally funded program managed by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). These are benefits paid to the surviving spouse or surviving divorced spouse of an insured worker. Continue reading……

Your Full Retirement Age…Let’s Be Clear

As explained by The Motley Fool’s  Matthew Frankel, many folks still believe that 65 is still the magic age for obtaining full Social Security benefits. Frankel explains the present definition of “full retirement age” and what it means to benefit payments,…

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