Social Security

Turning 65 this year, you need to start planning

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. population is approaching a landmark sometimes called Peak 65, or silver tsunami, when more than 12,000 people will start turning 65 each day, hitting an estimated total of 4 million for the…

Ask Rusty – Can I Claim Social Security and Still Work?

Dear Rusty: I will be turning 63 soon. Can I apply for Social Security and continue to work?  Would I be limited to how many hours or how much I could make?  I know my monthly SS amount would be…

Op-ed: America’s predatory retirement system is trapped in the Stone Age

Sid Mohasseb, an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California, writes in The Hill that, while many Americans celebrate their many freedoms, retirement just isn’t one of them. His main point is summed up with this: “The country’s dual approach…

Slowly Remove Social Security? One millionaire’s view

It’s such an out of the mainstream view, but Vince Cariaga writes about the interesting view of Social Security by self-made millionaire Tom Bilyeu, co-founder of Quest Nutrition and CEO of Impact Theory. Bilyeu believes the U.S. should “slowly remove” the…

Thoughts on Avoiding Retirement Mistakes

As you begin to examine Social Security and reflect on the options available to you, it’s important to consider which options might cause you discomfort later in your retired life. Some of these options result in lower monthly benefits, some…

Shoring Up Your Retirement Planning Against Potential Social Security Cuts

A quick review of media offerings these days will tell you that the issue of Social Security’s financial problems is building momentum, along with the possibility of benefit cuts that may affect your eventual participation in the retirement support system.…

Plans to Work Later in Life and Ageism…A Growing Problem?

Senior-oriented media accounts of retirement plans for those approaching that stage of life often suggest that most Americans are likely to remain in the workforce well past becoming eligible for Social Security benefits. A good plan for many folks, given…

Cmr. O’Malley Announces SSI Change to Facilitate Eligibility

Accessing crucial Supplemental Security Income benefits will become simpler, and the Agency’s workload will be streamlined a bit, by a new rule set to kick in later this year. As explained in a March 27 press release, the ruling will…

Outdated Job Data in Disability Claims Processing Cited in Congressional Hearing

Recently confirmed Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley was taken to task at a Joint Social Security and Work & Welfare Subcommittee Hearing last week on the Agency’s use of decades-old jobs data in its disability determination processes. In discussing where…

For Future Ex-Patriots Alert: Understanding the Rules for Off-Shore Social Security Payments Is Essential

Social Security beneficiaries electing to live abroad can collect their earned benefits just like their U.S. counterparts. In fact, according to a post by U.S. News and World Report contributor Maryalene LaPonsie, the U.S. Department of State reports that more…

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