Social Security

Implications of a Drastic Drop in COLA

There’s been quite a bit of commentary this week regarding the 2024 expected cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security beneficiaries, much of it highlighting what statistically looks like a jump from projections publicized earlier this year. That’s good news, of course,…

Working Longer to Increase Benefits–Some Points to Consider in the Argument

As the rhetoric on Social Security reform continues to percolate, one of the frequent topics in the debate is extending the amount of time in the workplace. Financial advisors typically cite the delayed retirement credit (DRC) as an avenue to…

Assisting Social Security Recipients in Minimizing Fraud Risk

It’s certainly no secret that seniors are a likely target for scammers and fraudsters, and the frequent hijacking of Social Security numbers, unfortunately, provides a pathway for the criminal element to access these unsuspecting victims. Further, with the risk of…

Maximizing Benefits via a Bridging Strategy

Many folks looking ahead to the decision on when to begin drawing Social Security benefits often seek ways to make their eventual monthly payment as high as possible, and most financial advisors tell them it’s simple: wait until age 70.…

For Those Approaching Social Security: Some Very Basic Fundamentals

If you’re nearing a decision on when to begin drawing Social Security benefits and, especially, if you’re considering filing early, there are some very, very basic questions you need to ask yourself before taking the plunge. If you’ve created a…

Raise the Retirement Age or Lower It? Gen Z and Millennials Weigh In

Many proposals to address the Social Security program’s evaporating financial reserves include a recommendation to add a few years to the full retirement age (FRA) provision, perhaps extending it as far as age 70 from its current age 67. Advocates…

Representative Payee Designations Available to Help Seniors

Seniors struggling to manage their financial affairs have a helpful Social Security provision available to them that can ease their minds. It’s called the “Representative Payee” provision, and it allows a beneficiary to designate another person, usually a family member,…

Thinking About Retiring in Your 50s? Be careful!

It’s a dream that many mid-career people have…packing it all in while you’re still able to enjoy life to the fullest. If that’s a goal that you have, and you’re gearing your lifestyle and wealth accumulation strategies around it, we…

The Psychology Behind Claiming Social Security Benefits Early

Age 62 continues to be the most popular claiming age for Social Security benefits–40% of men and 47% of women decide that way, according to the Social Security Administration. Although this option is counter to the advice doled out by…

Who is most (least) prepared for retirement?

A recent Vanguard survey found that 85 percent of Gen Z’ers surveyed said retirement benefits were a chief concern in their job hunts. Both Gen Z and millennials are saving more in their workplace retirement plans than previous generations due…

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