Social Security

Assessing Social Security’s Role in the “Transition” to Retirement

In an article challenging the belief that there is a widespread “retirement crisis” in play in America, contributor John Sullivan of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) offers a different view of how Social Security factors into…

Our Social Security Program Continues to Evolve, But Some Things Do Not Change

It’s common knowledge these days that America’s Social Security program is presently locked into a trajectory that will lead it to insolvency in less than a decade. While there are many resolutions on the drawing board to avoid reaching that…

Raising Taxes to Rescue Social Security?

It’s mentioned a lot by pundits and Democrat politicians– raise payroll taxes to fix Social Security’s ill financial health. Maurie Backman explains the program’s troubles (insolvency hits around 2033-34) followed by various tax raising proposals. One is to increase the…

There is plenty of concern about Social Security among current retirees.

The Social Security program is vital to many Americans who depend on it in retirement. However, the Social Security Trust Fund reserves are running out of money. When that happens, Social Security will only be able to pay about 80…

Making an informed choice about when to claim Social Security

Starting your Social Security retirement benefits is an important step on your retirement journey. The Social Security Administration reports: Elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 12 percent of men and 15 percent of women, rely on Social Security for 90 percent or…

Before you file for Social Security

The fear of running out of money in retirement is a rational one. After all, you have spent your entire career making and saving money, but even that may run out. However, you will receive your Social Security benefit for…

AI may make fraudulent schemes easier and faster to execute 

Elon Musk said, “While AI has tremendous potential to transform industries, we must not forget the impact it could have on society and must work to mitigate potential risks.” The risk is here now. The Social Security Administration Office of…

Common misconceptions about how Social Security benefits are calculated

Among Social Security beneficiaries, 37 percent of men and 42 percent of women receive 50 percent or more of their income from Social Security. Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 12 percent of men and 15 percent of women rely on…

When you’re able to retire on schedule

Starting your Social Security retirement benefits is a major step on your retirement journey. You can begin your retirement benefits as early as 62 or as late as 70. If you start your Social Security benefits as early as 62,…

What to do if you have not received your check yet?

In 2023, an average of almost 67 million Americans per month will receive a Social Security benefit, totaling over one trillion dollars in benefits paid during the year. What happens if it is the end of the month and you…

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