Social Security

Another Perspective on the “Claiming At 62” Question

Age 62 remains the most popular age for claiming Social Security retirement benefits, and there are many pros and cons cited either in favor or disfavor of this as a filing strategy. Here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory…

Attention Veterans: Good Idea to Review Social Security Benefits

If you haven’t reviewed the benefits available to Veterans recently, now might be a good time to check out the SSA website pages dedicated to this topic. The Information for Military & Veterans page at provides a collection of…

Reviewing Social Security’s 2023 Changes

Old news at this point, but worthy of a quick refresher on what the most widely felt changes in the Social Security program for 2023. In a post on, Breaking News Reporter Eden Villalovas provides a recap of key…

Survey Points to Concerns Over Social Security’s Future

A survey conducted last month by Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America confirms what many are waking up to: Americans have a diminishing hope for Social Security’s role in their retirment financing plans. No real surprise there, since for…

Ask Rusty – I’m Approaching 65 – Should I Claim Social Security?

Dear Rusty: I am fast approaching 65 (in August) and plan to continue working full time. I would like to know the implications of that, and about drawing Social Security. Same question for my husband who is past his full…

Complications That Married Couples Face When Claiming Benefits

Anyone who’s looked into the process for claiming Social Security benefits knows that it can be deceptively complex. Many uninitiated approach the process with the simplistic view that when you turn 62, you just go and sign up. They quickly…

Social Security Reform and the Impact on Claiming Age

Statistically, age 62–the earliest age for collecting Social Security retirement benefits–is most popular, even though it results in a substantial reduction in monthly benefoit amounts. For some one with a full retirement age of 67, for example, the monthly benefit…

Social Security Basics…Some Things You Need to Know!

On the surface, Social Security seems somewhat simple…you work and pay FICA tax, then you draw benefits when you retire. But as anyone who has navigated these waters can probably tell you, it’s not that clear-cut. In fact, there are…

Testing Your Readiness to Claim Social Security Benefits

Anyone who has taken a look at Social Security or is trying to determine whether they’re ready to file knows full well that it’s kind of a tricky decision point. Unless you’re age 70, at which point continued deferral would…

Social Security and the Debt Ceiling: Mixed Opinions on Potential Impact

The lack of movement on the rapidly approaching debt-ceiling crisis is causing a stir in the minds of many folks, especially those receiving Social Security benefits. And while several competing viewpoints have emerged, it appears that May 9 may mark an…

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