Social Security

CATO Offers Thoughts on Stabilizing Federal Debt…and They Involve Social Security

In a post on, Cato Institute’s director of budget and entitlement policy, Romina Boccia, offers a set of benchmarks Congress should consider before finalizing a decision on the 2023 federal debt limit. As should be expected, her suggestions include…

Qualifying for Spousal Benefits in a Divorce Situation

The rules surrounding the availability of Social Security benefits for divorced spouses can seem a bit daunting at first look. In a article by Karin Price Mueller, the set of parameters applied to benefit eligibility for a divorced spouse–in…

Understanding How the 2023 COLA Relates to Your Benefit Amount

Something that’s often overlooked when assessing retirement cash flow in an early retirement situation is the math behind the application of annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). CNBC personal finance reporter explains how an early filing decision leads to a curtailment of…

The Early Filing Question (Again)–More Viewpoints

One of the most frequent questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service deals with when to start drawing retirement benefits, and specifically the economics associated with starting at the earliest possible age (62). We typically…

Another Indictment of Social Security’s COLA and its Inadequacy

Sure, the 8.7% cost-of-living adjustment showing up beginning this month in beneficiaries’ monthly payments is welcomed relief, but the question of how well it compensates for inflation is subject to frequent questions. In a post by Bram Berkowitz, the…

Incoming House Budget Committee Chair Signals Intent to Act on Social Security

As anticipated, the 118th Congress has opened the door for movement on resolution of Social Security’s longstanding solvency problem. Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) has proposed using an “…upcoming debt-limit deadline to prompt negotiations on the solvency of major programs such…

What Secure 2.0 Could Mean for Your Retirement Planning

The much-discussed $1.7 trillion spending bill signed into law in December, contained a lot of items subject to ongoing scrutiny but, for those deep into retirement financial planning, the Secure 2.0 provisions embedded in the details should be studied carefully.…

Questions About Social Security?

As always, the new year brings a spate of questions about Social Security, usually in terms of new limits going into effect. This year, of course, there’s a fair amount of interest in knowing how much of the 8.7% cost-of-living…

CBS/YouGov Poll: Fixing Social Security Makes the High Priority List for 118th Congress

 A nationally representative poll conducted last week by YouGov for CBS News posed the question of what should be the high priorities for the incoming Congress, and the top three responses were not a surprise: lowering inflation, protecting Social Security…

Ask Rusty – Will My Work Earnings Affect My Social Security Benefits?

Dear Rusty: I am presently 67 years of age and am still working full time. I am receiving Medicare coverage, but I have not yet applied for monthly Social Security payments. I have been told that I can take SS…

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