Social Security

Social Security’s Structural Problems Are Hastening Insolvency

Sean Williams provides a thorough and comprehensive examination of Social Security’s well known long term financial woes in light of newly released Congressional Budget Office (CBO) data.  While the pandemic is likely causing its own problems, CBO’s report focuses on…

Social Security is on voters’ minds: they do not want cuts

Perhaps it was recent news about President Trump seeking to defer payroll taxes for employers.  Whatever it is, Social Security is definitely on the minds of voters as it has not been in recent elections.  Lorie Konish of CNBC explores the…

Caution urged before rushing to claim early benefits due to pandemic

Most Americans already claim Social Security at age 62, the earliest possible for retirement benefits.  That choice comes with a permanent lifetime reduction, up to 30% off the monthly amount by not waiting until full retirement age (66-67 depending on…

What will a Biden presidency mean for America’s growing older population?

Chris Farrell of Marketwatch summarizes key points here from the Democrat party platform and Joe Biden’s website as it pertains to older Americans, though he notes both are “big on promises and light on funding details.”  Biden would boost Medicaid…

Where Do The Candidates And Parties Stand On Social Security?

Steve Vernon of Forbes provides an overview of where Joe Biden and Donald Trump are on Social Security reform.  The political conventions start this week, and the Social Security program just turned 85 last Friday, August 14th, so the issue…

Details Emerging on Senate Pandemic Relief Proposals

Senior Forbes contributor Kelly Phillips Erb takes a look at some of the potential outcomes of the pandemic relief bills being crafted in the Senate, noting that the “Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act is a compendium of…

Kudlow on the Potential for Another stimulus Payment

Progress on the next round of economic stimulus measures is expected to be announced this week, and many eyes are on one of the key components of the legislation–the possibility of direct payments to U.S. citizens. Forbes Staff Reporter Lisette Voytko, in…

Social Security and COVID-19’s “Second Wave”

Well, statistics seem to support the notion that the second wave of COVID-19 infections is upon us. While most financial advisors do not normally advocate for an early claiming of Social Security benefits, it’s clear that we’re in anything but…

Attention Women: Social Security and Your Financial Future

In response to a concern expressed by a MarketWatch reader, retirement reporter Alessandra Malito presents a case for alleviating concerns expressed by a stay-at-home mom in planning for her future retirement. “It’s not too late. You got this!” says Malito, backing this…

Stimulus Negotiations and Comments on a Payroll Tax Holiday

Pre-recess deliberations on another coronavirus relief package are continuing amid complex and divergent viewpoints on the size and content of further relief. From a Social Security standpoint, one of the concerns continues to be the administration’s continuing push for a…

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